01/06/2013 (12 Moons solo project Day 6)


12 Moons solo saxophone project (Day 6)

Date: 01/06/2013
Instrument: Tenor Saxophone
Location: The Aurora bridge at 50th and Aurora


I spent the day teaching throughout Seattle and found myself at the corner of 50th and Aurora after a rehearsal this afternoon. I decided to capture this urban environment by recording a piece in two channels, with the first channel capturing the saxophone and the second capturing the afternoon commuter traffic.

In tandem with a piece I recored on January 4th, I decided to utilize high action and space. On January 4th the space between my playing was punctuated with relative silence in my practice studio. Today this space was filled with the hum and roar of cars, trucks and busses in an urban environment. In this piece I again utilize only a single combination of fingerings, but create squeals and squawks with adjustments in pressure in my embouchure.